One of “Natures Healers” that is as necessary as the air we breathe, is sleep. In our fast paced, rat race everyday lives, there will be many distractions that keep us from making the necessary changes we need in order to experience better health. Please do not allow this to happen to you!

I will continually remind you of the simple ABC’s of this program and approach to being successful at restoring your health!

My goal is to see you be victorious in reclaiming your health! So, here are some basic guidelines for you to follow for getting a good night’s sleep:

A.    Regularity in your daily schedule will be a handy tool in your toolbox. Do not underestimate how much your body will love you back after you commit to a set routine beginning with bedtime.

B. Schedule your bedtime at 10:00 P.M.  The old saying that the “two hours before midnight is far more valuable for rejuvenation, than those after midnight” – is so true!

C. Do not eat after 6:00 P.M. in the evening, if at all possible. I realize that for some of you work (or have challenging schedules) this may present a problem. However, if you adopt the breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper and then when you do eat, try to make it very light. A tummy full of food will surely make it more difficult for our body to wind down and do what it should be doing at night, when our Cortisol Hormone drops to its lowest level in the middle of the night. This valuable hormone assists in regulating our blood pressure and also affects the release of insulin. Sleep is meant to be restorative and if our body is working through the night to digest what we put in before retiring, a full stomach really hinders what should be happening.

D.    Exercise and outdoor activity too will be very helpful in preparing us to be tired and ready to turn in for a good night’s sleep at the end of the day!

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” (Ben Franklin)

Be Healthy!


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