
Cheryl Farley Wellness aims to make a difference by making the world a healthier place with more happiness.

Diabetes is one of the world’s greatest health care challenges. Predictions are that 50% of the people in the US will either have diabetes, or be at risk of acquiring it within the next few years. The United Nations is addressing the problem aggressively and countries like Mexico have declared diabetes a medical emergency.

However, the vast majority of resources are being applied to managing the symptoms of diabetes rather than addressing a cure. Cheryl Farley Wellness, in contrast, is focused on eliminating the symptoms of diabetes through diet, exercise and personal support of individuals in need. Further, we are adapting healthy diet principles to different ethnic groups and lifestyles in countries throughout the world and to promote its adoption through local diabetes communities, caregivers, health care providers, insurance companies, government agencies and affinity product manufacturers.


Join The Cheryl Farley Wellness Club

Here are some benefits of joining: Cheryl's 10-Day Diabetes Meal Plan eBook, Full access to Cheryl's Online Recipe Library, Full access to Cheryl's Online Video Library, Full access to Cheryl's Online Cooking Classes & Webcasts, Etc...

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