There are diseases which are referred to as ‘diseases of choice.’ In most cases, type 2 diabetes falls into this category. Not that I believe you choose to have this disease. I believe that our lifestyle and over processing of foods in the US and now across the globe are creating the perfect environment for this disease to strike. We have stripped the nutrition from the foods we eat and laced everything with pesticides. Most of us are sensitive to pesticides and I believe the effects are making our bodies sensitive to the food we eat. This will prevent us from getting the proper nutrients, therefore, leaving us hungry and eating more and more often.

Most of our foods are tainted before the seeds are even planted. Not only are many seeds genetically modified, but, the soil is sprayed heavily before planting even begins. After planting, the sprouted seeds are sprayed again and the crops continue to be sprayed until harvest. I believe the combination of chemicals and over processing directly impacts our ability to be healthy.

Weight gain definitely contributes to the epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Some may not be considerably overweight but the weight they have gained is mostly in their belly. Others are considered obese. I have worked with people who have been so sick they can’t walk across the room and I’ve worked with people who have just learned they have the disease. I am proud to say I have been able to stand by and support each individual exactly where they are in their journey. There have been people who have already started suffering from kidney disease, amputations, and losing their sight.

Even though the information above may make you think ‘what can I do?’ the good news is, there are things you can do and my program shows you how. You do not have to suffer the debilitating side effects of type 2 diabetes nor do your children. Type 2 diabetes is the number one cause of amputations, the number one cause of kidney failure, and the number one cause of blindness in this country and the type 2 diabetic has a markedly increased risk for heart disease and stroke. I don’t want to see this happen to you or someone you love.

I have no doubt that for most people, type 2 diabetes is reversible. My approach to reversing type 2 diabetes will help you take control of your disease. It is easy to follow and does not require any special foods or gimmicks.

Let me do the work for you. I’ve intentionally made this program easy to follow. I have created meal plans and shopping lists which you’ll have access to each week. You’ll know what you need to buy and what you should already have in your pantry.

It’s time for you to be well and I want to hear your story.

Remember, there is only one you and your life is a treasure. You cannot be replaced.

Cheryl Farley

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